Thursday, June 21, 2018


So I may not be who I seem
Underneath my skin I am born again
Though my body it shrivels away
My mind consumed with my life
My heart torn from the pain of regret
Of loss
Of strife

You say what's the point
In giving your all 
if you only will fall in the end
I say get back up
Don't give in
That's the demons win
Scream if you must
But don't quit
Keep running your race
You have what it takes
To get back up again
It's okay to hurt
You're only human
I know life brings pain
I know life is brutal
But you
You have a strength from above that is watching over you saying
Don't give in 
I love you
I know you're in pain
But just try again
I'm here

So that's why I say to you
God is near even if you can't hear
I know
Cause the world is deafening
It strips you of your sense
Leaves you without a defense
Standing alone
Just fall On your knees
that's where you should be
Don't think your too proud to fall out of the crowd
They walk around dead
But you have the choice
To be alive again
there's a stirring in your heart
And I know it's there
He's prodding
A gentle wind
Reminding you again
Of the truth of your pains
Giving you the choice to throw it all away
For a new chance

So try again.

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This is my heart the inner part that nobody sees that could be shattered by a breeze but would keep silent to avoid getting violent bu...