Friday, October 26, 2018


You hold me out of the seas.
Though they bite and roar
In fearsome strength
Taunting me
they hope for my thrashing
and for me to come crashing
down into the depths
I see them wrap their arms tightly
Till the last breath is stolen from my lungs
But it will not be.
For you are holding me.
My El Shaddai.
You fortify my heart.
You will never let it tear me apart.
I will not give in to the worlds beckons
even when the seconds
feel like a lifetime.
So I will continue to knock and fall to my knees
even at the slightest of breeze.
I am weak but you will hold me high
You forever and ever will satisfy.

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This is my heart the inner part that nobody sees that could be shattered by a breeze but would keep silent to avoid getting violent bu...