Wednesday, June 21, 2017

I hear you sweet friend.

I hear you sweet friend
Your cries in the night
The ones you think go unheard
You laugh out of tune
with eyes darting
And a falling heart
I know that something's off
It pierces my soul
To see you running out of control
I don't know how to catch you
Fix you
I see the end of this path
The arrows flashing the fiery flames
But you, blind
Don't seem to care
But I know this must scare
Cause even if you can't see
You feel the wind
The jaggedness coming to an end
Tumbling out of control.
I've been where you are.
Please stop doing this
Move this
I love you
Don't give up
You are the child of God
And no man will ever be enough.
Though it's fun for a while
It won't last
Please. I'm begging you.
Look up.
For God will give you the peace to top this trial
So please don't think your alone
That you need another to fill this hole
Let God be your rock. Be still. And know also-
I love you.
I'll stand beside you every step of the way.
I hear you sweet friend.
Don't throw yourself away.


This is my heart the inner part that nobody sees that could be shattered by a breeze but would keep silent to avoid getting violent bu...